Hallelujah……………Hallelujah………….Praise God…………….
Has God spoken a Word to you, child-of-God?
“It only takes One Word from God to change your life forever…………………..”
Did You Know That When You Clap You Confuse the Enemy?
Are you satisfied, child-of-God with the itty-bitty Jesus that is preached at your church each Sunday……………..? Or do you desire a BIG-BIG GOD that is at your disposal.
An Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent God………………………………………….
If you are a person that is satisfied with a little God; then you will never achieve much.
Let God Use Your Story For His Glory………….
Saints, Open up your Bibles’ stop complaining and start Bible Training……………..
God wants to open up His Storehouses and shower blessings upon blessings upon His Children……………(notice the “s” at the end of storehouse and blessing…….)
Let's Pray
Father, thank you for Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. Thank you, Holy Spirit for helping me to grow in my spiritual development. Thank you for Your patience, Your love, Your kindness and your willingness. Thank You, Jesus for letting me walk with You. Jesus, for letting me talk with You. Lord, for taking my place on that old rugged cross. Now, it's time for me to show my gratitude. Lord, lead me to a new believer or someone who wants more of you. Someone that will open their Bible and stop complaining and start Bible training. Someone that desires a Big, BIG DADDY GOD! Lord, I clap my hands to confuse the enemy! I praise your Holy Name! I sing! I dance! I let Go and I let You have your way! And I do this in Jesus' name, Amen.