Monday, April 15, 2013


Hallelujah……………Hallelujah………….Praise God…………….

Has God spoken a Word to you, child-of-God? 
“It only takes One Word from God to change your life forever…………………..”

Did You Know That When You Clap You Confuse the Enemy?

Are you satisfied, child-of-God with the itty-bitty Jesus that is preached at your church each Sunday……………..? Or do you desire a BIG-BIG GOD that is at your disposal.
An Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent God………………………………………….
If you are a person that is satisfied with a little God; then you will never achieve much.

Let God Use Your Story For His Glory………….

Saints, Open up your Bibles’ stop complaining and start Bible Training……………..

God wants to open up His Storehouses and shower blessings upon blessings upon His Children……………(notice the “s” at the end of storehouse and blessing…….)


Let's Pray
Father, thank you for Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. Thank you, Holy Spirit for helping me to grow in my spiritual development. Thank you for Your patience, Your love, Your kindness and your willingness. Thank You, Jesus for letting me walk with You. Jesus, for letting me talk with You. Lord, for taking my place on that old rugged cross. Now, it's time for me to show my gratitude. Lord, lead me to a new believer or someone who wants more of you. Someone that will open their Bible and stop complaining and start Bible training. Someone that desires a Big, BIG DADDY GOD! Lord, I clap my hands to confuse the enemy! I  praise your Holy Name! I sing! I dance! I let Go and I let You have your way! And I do this in Jesus' name, Amen.   

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


This morning while in prayer and as I was praying for your desire for a mate as I told you I would, I believe that God revealed to me that your heart, as well as the heart's of all His true children is where He dwells. You are the temple of the living God. It is where His mercy seat and where the ark of the covenant resides.  He has hidden in you and each of His children His manna, (the Word of God), His budded rod (the proof of your selection by Him) and His commandments (He promised that He would write His laws on your heart.) 
Often as we are desiring a mate, many impostors will come, as there were false priest that would try to enter the Holy place.  He reminded me that when any would attempt to enter that sacred place, unless they have fulfilled the necessary requirements, they shall not be able to enter into the Holy place, lest they die.  They must have accepted the necessary sacrifice and have had their sins atoned by the blood of the lamb.  (Jesus)   They must have washed (in the Word of the Lord) prior to entering in. And their only true purpose for entering in should be the call and selection of God to do so.   
So, I pray that you will continue to allow God to guard your heart and allow no unclean vessel to enter in.  That you will continue to keep the sacred things that He has placed there separated unto Him and that at His appointed time that He will reveal to you who if any, shall be allowed to enter behind the veil and worship with you as one in His presence.  It is only when the Holy things are kept Holy and are in the temple of the Lord's choosing that His presence will come and rest upon you and give you direction, whether by day or night.  Any one serving any other god, (those with hidden agendas outside of God's plan and purpose for you life) will only defile your temple and His presence will not dwell in an unclean place.  If any should approach your heart that has not been divinely selected by God, may their attempt be be killed before they can even enter the inner court.  May only the one who God has allowed His lamp to reveal the way enter and may she be on one accord with you that you may be as one in His presence, having been selected by Him, nourished and washed in His Word, and walking according to His laws that the two being one will be where the presence of the Lord may be revealed forever and may wherever you two shall walk, carrying the ark, there shall be victory as was with the Israelites.  This is my prayer for you and all that God has purposed in you. 

Monday, April 8, 2013



Our Father God is calling for all His Children to begin to think, “Outside of the Box.”
We are being called to fellowship in a more intimate way with our Heavenly Daddy.
The corporate meeting of the Church should not be a Sunday only affair.
“For where two or three are gathered together in my name,
 there am I in the midst of them.(Matthew 18:20)

Fellowship must begin at home. Fellowship must begin in our Bedroom.
The most intimate room in our home; where the marriage bed resides.
Husbands and wives believe it or not spend most of their time there.

Our challenge to you today is to declare and decree this with us:

Precious Father, (I/We) desire to have a closer and deeper relationship
with you. We desire more compatibility, more intimacy, more closeness
and a deeper fellowship with you. Make (My/Our) bedroom, Your Tabernacle.
We want to have 24/7 access and fellowship with you. We want to be able to
Spend quality time, quiet time, shouting time, in Your Holy Presence.

We are tired of the religiosity and worldly atmosphere that have become the fabric of
many of your church buildings. We are tired of leaders with self-appointed titles that
are guiding the sheep to the shearers.
We need the Bedroom Tabernacle where we can come to know you intimately;
where you alone as Our Shepherd can lead us beside the quiet waters and green pastures.

The Bedroom tabernacle is where is all begins. Where we can light our candles.
Where we can burn our incense; where we can present our bodies to you as a living sacrifice.
Where we can take Holy Communion and consecrate our lives to you to fulfill your purpose.
Father, a place where our spirit can mingle together with Your Spirit.
A place where you can remove all the filth and residue that has accumulated in our lives.
In our time together you will show us who and who not to fellowship with and which
Church we should fellowship, support and attend. Whether we should remain single or marry.
A place where the enemy is not welcomed. Leave a Bible open in every room and Worship.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


One of the things about our God and our Father that I would like to share this morning..........
I was eleven years old when Dr. King was assassinated so I know a little about what the climate of the times were like in the U. S. during the "Jim Crow Era" parents thought by sheltering they were helping me........but when I was twelve, I was drawn to a book called, "Stride Toward Freedom", written by Dr. King.
 It was his first book..........
I used that book for my social studies class in 1969 to write a written report. I realize now that God was with me for a very long time. My report not only opened the eyes of the students but the teachers as well......................
Well, approximately forty years later (forty is the number of completion), God is leading me to write my first book.
The title comes from Dr. King's speech, "I've Been To The Mountaintop", where he speaks about the letter he received from the white female ninth grade student at White Plains H.S.
 (I work in White Plains, a coincidence or God?)...........
And Dr. King goes on to to answer her letter, what would have happened if he had sneezed.
Immediately, "If Martin Hadda Sneezed"............was placed in my spirit....................................

If Dr. King had sneezed, Dr. King would have died..............................But God wouldn't allow it..........................
Just like God, my brothers and sisters; God, won't allow you to die until like Dr. King, you've been to your mountain-top..................

So, I encourage you today to get off your blessed-assurance and seek God like never before.
Stop dreaming and start doing...............Stop scheming and start moving...................................

Say this with me: I want to do God's will. I want to go up to the mountain. I want to see the promise land. And I am going to get there, Hallelujah.
 I am going to see the glory of the coming of the Lord.
And I make this prayer of declaration in Jesus name.