Tuesday, February 26, 2013


“Hallelujah…..Halle…lu….jah”…………for those that don’t know. Hallelujah, is a Hebrew Word, that is the highest praise that we can bestow upon Our Living God!

Hallelujah, Lord, we need Your Presence in this place. Lord, we humble ourselves today in this place. Heavenly Father, You are welcome in this place……………………………
(You may be seated in His Presence)

God is worthy, yes He is………God is sho’nuff worthy.
 Can I get an amen from the people in the back of this room? 
Can I get a “what the Lord has done for me”, from the center of this room? Lord, if you are real and I know that you are, lift the spirit of nicotine from this room. Lift the spirit of alcohol from this room. Free that crack addicted brother. Deliver that sister from spousal abuse. Devil, I rebuke your hand in the name of Jesus…………There will be no “pity party” happening here. I cast down all “stinking-thinking”! Heavenly Father, we usher you into this place……………………………..

We are casting down every vain imagination and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God. We are rebuking, the spirit of nicotine, in the name of Jesus. The spirit of alcohol, Hallelujah, in the name of Jesus. Lord, loose that brother from the grips of crack cocaine, that spirit has got to go, in the matchless name of Jesus. Sister, your husband has hit you for the last time, I rebuke the spirit of spousal abuse, in the name of Jesus. Homosexual and lesbian spirit, you have to leave tonight, Hallelujah, in the name of Jesus. (let her go; let her scream)…………….
Devil, you just lost another one………….we are bringing every thought to the obedience of Christ. Our war, children, is never fought in the flesh but in the spirit. Glory to God!

“And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.”
“And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be.”      (Luke 1 v 28-29)

There is a sister sitting in this room right now that is troubled……….troubled cause like the “Samaritan woman”, she has had  (5) husbands and today, right now, she is living with a man………Am I talking about someone in this room?...........You better  talk it over with Jesus and ask Him to teach you how to worship Him, in spirit and in truth!

Verse 30……And the angel said unto her, Fear not, (put your name in there sister): for thou has found favour with God. Verse 38………And said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word………………

That is the definition, for those that are not familiar with this teaching of a “Word” woman. How many “Word” woman, do we have here tonight? (please stand)……..

A “Word” woman finds favour with God because she makes a choice to walk by faith in obedience to every word of God. A “Word” woman doesn’t need proof! Her soul magnifies the Lord! Her spirit rejoices in the Lord!  She is blessed and highly favoured!

I want to take a minute to share something ..............Does anybody have an NKJV Bible, that is a modern translation of the Kings James………..Go with me to Proverbs 31  v 10, lets’ begin, Who can find a virtuous wife? (Stop)

That scripture hits me like a nor’easter……….let me begin to read some more, v11..the heart of her husband...(Stop)

A virtuous woman needs a husband. I am going to step “out-of-the-box”, for a “New York minute”…………..Ladies, stop trying to be a virtuous “Proverbs 31” woman….....

A woman needs to find “favour” with God……….A woman needs to be a “Word” woman first……….
A woman needs to be obedient to God. God has to release a woman to become a “virtuous” woman. 
Did Mary marry Joseph before or after the favour?

Mary was filled with the “Spirit”, that is why before you are ready for a husband, you must be spirit-filled so you can be spirit-led to be a help-meet, “an asset not a set-as”. And only God can do it! I said, Only God Can Do It!

Now let me get to the brothers now. This is not all about the sisters. Go with me to Proverbs 18 v 22 and let's read: “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord.”

(Now what does that mean),  It means that a man who finds a wife, finds what is good and obtains favour of the Lord. Favour from God brothers, comes through whom God chooses to be your wife. Brothers, you must let God choose your wife.

Sisters you must wait on the Lord!  God’s “unmerited favour”, is only released through a marriage covenant that is God approved.

(But, what do I do, I’m married but I am unequally yoked)……….Sisters, talk to God, become “HIS” Word woman, today, right now!........................................

Brothers, go to your wives and re-discover them, taste the Lord in them, for he is good and obtain His favour, do it today, do it now! Say," Honey, I’m so sorry for taking you for granted, please forgive me. Let’s pray over our marriage and ask God to restore us".

 Ladies, sanctify your husbands and most of all pray continually over your marriage, do it without delay and with all urgency. I promise everyone who receives this message and is a doer rather than a hearer will truly be blessed…………………………
(But I am not finished)

As I look around the room, I see lots of unattached men and women. Brothers and sisters in Christ, that are looking for someone………..My message today………STOP!

Allow God to have His way in your life. Allow God to sift you like wheat! Allow God to present your life-partner to you, I guarantee you, God never makes a mistake. Stop trying to Be God and let God be God!

Monday, February 25, 2013


Before I formed you...I...approved of you." Jeremiah 1:5 AMP
        Spiritually speaking, you're probably not as far up the road as 
you'd like to be - but thank God you're still on
  the road! At one time 
you were a stranger to God's grace, now you belong to the 'household of 

faith.' Paul writes: "You received the word...not as the word of men, 

but...the word of God, which...effectively works in you who believe" 

2:13 NKJV). Did you get that? As long as you keep believing  it, 
God's Word will keep working
  in you. Plus, you'll mature faster when 
you stop being so hard on yourself, learn to relax and start living by 

what God's Word says about you - not how you feel!

        How you see yourself affects your spiritual progress. Until your 
self-concept lines up with God's concept of you as revealed in His Word, 

you'll keep seeing yourself as inferior and unworthy - and that will 

retard your spiritual growth. Nobody knows you like God does. And in 

spite of your struggles and stumblings, He loves and accepts you just as 

you are. God told Jeremiah, "Before I formed you...I knew...and approved 

of you." Stop worrying about being rejected when you don't 'perform' 

perfectly. The world operates like that, but not God. Plus, if you were 

as perfect as you'd like to be you wouldn't need His grace, right? Like 

Jacob's limp, sometimes God leaves flaws in us to remind us how much we 

need Him each day. So enjoy where you are now, and don't compare 

yourself with other people. Don't worry if they're further along than 

you. They went through the same places to get to where they are today

Remember you are  blessed and meant to be a blessing!

Monday, February 18, 2013


It occurred to me this morning but did it occur to you..............
that one of your sisters might have woke up hungry.................
that one of your brothers might have woke up angry..................
that one of your sisters might have woke up lonely........tired....
Did it occur to you that one of your brothers...might have wanted to reach out to you this morning but couldn't..............................
Sometimes we get caught up in our fleshly lives and we forget.
We forget all the promises that flow into our hearts from our Loving Father and it occurred to me this morning when I woke up hungry..........when I woke up angry.......... lonely........... tired.

When I wanted to reach out to you this morning but couldn't
to remind you not to get so caught up in your fleshy life and
forget all the promises that flow into your heart from your Loving Father and reach out to your hungry, angry, lonely, tired that couldn't but wouldn't but wanted to reach out to your sister/brother this morning. 

Friday, February 15, 2013


We have been led to teach from a few different angles; an angle of Theology (the study of Religion) and an angle of Spirituality (in relation to God and His creation) and an angle of indifference (don't really know and don't really care). Those of you who are familiar with the Bible, know that there are two Testaments, the Old and the New.

Those of you that have been reading your Bible, know that the first four Books of the New Testament are called the Gospels. Then there is the Book of Acts which teaches about the things that the Apostles did in reference to the Church. There are also the Pauline letters and this is where we will start: The Pauline epistles to the churches of Corinth (1 & 2 Corinthians), Thessalonica (1 & 2 Thessalonians), Philippi (Philippians), Colosse (Colossians),
Galatia (Galatians), Ephesus (Ephesians). The church of today is as similar to these churches as light is to day,
whether you are Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, Lutheran, Episcopalian, C.O.G.I.C., denominational or non-denomination; your church will be found in these Pauline epistles. That is why, the Holy Spirit revealed to me that we are not on the same page because we are not in the same church...........one Lord, one Faith (Eph. 4v5) Too many Christians are forgetting that Christ is the  Head of the Church thus you have someone like The Pope becoming front page news at a time when the citizens should be concentrating on one God and Father of all (Eph, 4v6)  The enemy's chief weapon is to divide and conquer. If he can sow a seed of thought into your mind..............Oh, you are not reading this..........The church at Philippi (2 v 5-11) saw Jesus and their church as a servant and their protocol was to evangelize, they were a saving-grace-church. The church at Colosse (1 v 9-18) saw their Jesus and their church as the head and their protocol was to shake up the world, their church was a redeeming-grace church.

Oh, but you are not reading this..............(or are you?)  Holy Spirit, fill this place....................................
Go to Colossians chapter two and read verses eight - ten: Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. For in Him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in Him, which is the Head ofall principality and power (the devil is not the head; the enemy has no power)

CHRIST is the Head, not me, not the pastor/shepherd, not the husband, not the president/premier or the grand pooh-bah......CHRIST is the Head!.......................CHRIST is the Head! CHRIST is what we Teach!

The Kingdom of God is:
Righteousness, Joy and Peace

*(When I want to talk to the devil; I write a note on the bottom of my shoe because he's........
                                                                                                                      .......................under my feet)


Thursday, February 14, 2013


There are a million reasons that you can use not to serve Jesus Christ and to serve Jesus Barabbas....
Why do Christians want Christ to do all the work? Didn't he hang, bleed and die for you?...................
But you want an "Automatic Jesus", after all that God has done for you? Yes, for you!

Stop Running Away From God And Run To Him.................................................
You want God to serve you, don't you? As  long as things are comfortable and you can still live in the flesh, and nothing is required of you, God is good................sing it church.........ALL THE TIME!
But the minute that God takes you out of your comfort zone; the second God requires something from you, you're busy?
Remember 80% of the people who attend church, are just playing church............John 3 v 16 christians when God requires John 3 v 4............wake up and eat the bread and drink the blood.........................
Some of you are already or are about to step out into ministry.............You need to know beyond the shadow-of-doubt just what the enemy is and where the attack won't come from, I said, WHERE THE ATTACK WON'T COME FROM....................................
Are you dropping out or moving on to Lesson Two.........I said, ARE YOU STOPPING AT LESSON ONE OR WILL YOU BE MOVING FORWARD WITH LESSON TWO (2) "Know Your God"?
There are 8,810 Promises..........God puts the promises within our reach..................
But child-of-God, do you know how to receive them......................................................................  

(God Requires Your Consent To Continue With This Teaching On "Spiritual Warfare")

I_____________________________am led by God to continue with this teaching on "Spiritual Warfare"

Monday, February 11, 2013


I am a very unpopular person. The moment that God spoke the answer the enemy attacked my right eye and took my sight. I stood on my healing and the answer arrived two weeks later. (The battle is not in the flesh but in the spirit- Galatians 6 v 12)...................I had the victory and the rest, praise God........................... 
God is challenging you to step "outside the box"........................................................
God wants you to challenge you............................................................................... 
God has opened a door for me and He wants to do the same for you...........................
Oh, How I love to sing worship...............How I love to sing praises to you name, Father?
Worshiper................Praiser..............God is challenging you to "Sing unto the Lord a New Song"
Your Father wants to put a song into your spirit.................God has commissioned you a melody....
It can be as simple as bringing someone to church.......................................................................
Have you ever invited/brought someone to your "House of Worship"?
You should always be on the look-out to step "Outside The Box".....................................................

How bought this great idea that was just birthed in my spirit, invite all your unsaved friends to a party and instead of alcohol serve Jesus? Invite your saved friends as well...........................................................
Wear the savior................Jesus should be the main attraction in everyone's life.....................................
Start a Christian Book reading club.................a sewing club........................a sports team....................

We must pray not prey on each other......................
It's time for those of us that are lost to be found......... Hallelujah

                                "Think Outside The Box"........
                                                                                  is looking to recruit both Christians and non-Christians.
 Anyone that has or wants to develop a passion for our big Brother, Jesus........................................................
Do you want a real relationship with a loving Father who promises to never leave you nor forsake you?
Then join us and:
"Think Outside The Box"...................................................
Where The Only Language We Speak Is Jesus....................................

Saturday, February 9, 2013

DEATH (With A Little Help From My Friends)

80% of the people that you see in church and fellowship with every Sunday have never had a born-again experience..............Let's stop right now and make sure that you are born-again:

My Lord and my God, have mercy upon my soul, a sinner.  
I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God and that He died on the cross and shed His blood for the forgiveness of my sins.  
I believe Jesus rose again from the dead by the power of the Holy Ghost and sits on the right hand of God.

Come into my heart, Lord Jesus, and wash all my sins away with Your blood.  
I invite you into my heart as my personal Savior, and will follow you the rest of my life.
Your Word says you'll turn no one away, and that includes me.  Therefore, I know you've heard me, and I know you've answered me, and I know I'm saved.
Thank you, Jesus, for saving my soul.
Now raise your hands and thank and praise the Lord for saving your soul, open your heart and receive the life-giving Spirit of God.
Congratulations you have now been born again
80% of us are just "playing church"............
Is that you?................................................................
I want each of you to stop for a moment and re-examine yourself....................................................

The reason given by 80% of Christians on their reason for attending church
 is they didn't want to die without Jesus.....................................................................
80% took John 3:16 literally: For God loved the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.(Holman CSB)
But weren't taught scripturally, John 3:3:
 I assure you: Unless someone is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

I urge you to spend time daily reading and studying the Word of God, it will change your life.

Walking In Your Authority

 If you are not "Walking in your Authority" then you are not serving or honoring God..........................................
Let's go to the book of Genesis and review our authority,   Be Fruitful...Multiply....Fill....Subdue....Rule............
That's how we are to walk in our authority...................but because of sin, let me teach here.............................
The consequence of sin always leads to death, I said, The Consequence of Sin is Death!...............................
In order to make something die, what do you do? I said, in order to kill something what must you do?
You Stop Feeding It.................If You Stop Feeding Sin..............It Will What...............
IT WILL DIE!.........................................................................................................

Well Jesus came. Jesus, hung, bled and died. Jesus became propitiation for our sin.........
Unless and until you believe this beyond the shadow of doubt, you will never be free.........
From sin and death and that is why Jesus came and did what He did, to set us free...........
 From this sinful life in the flesh..
Does anybody believe that with me?

Galatians 2:20 is a verse that I know that you are all familiar with but let's look at  21: I do not set aside the grace (unmerited favor) of God; for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died for nothing.
 Let me ask you..................Did Christ die for nothing?

Friday, February 8, 2013


TODAY'S READING IS FROM: Colossians 2:8-12

The poor souls were led away in chains. It had been a trap. They had not listened to the warnings. They had scoffed at those who had pleaded with them not to go. They thought they had been clever. But now they were trapped.

Some of their own number had assisted the Enemy in springing the trap. The Enemy had made certain promises and had offered rewards for such betrayal. But the final state of those who conspired with the Enemy would be no different than from those they had deceived. A captivity so dismal it could best be described as conscious death.

The above is not a section out of some fictional novel or "docudrama." It is real. The process described is going on today; right now, as you read this. Men and women suffering from a spiritual void are looking for answers. There is an increasing fascination with cults and the occult. Those who become captives of these empty philosophies and deceptions come from all sorts of backgrounds, save one. You'll find the non-religious taken captive as well as the nominal church member. But you'll be hard-pressed ever to find a knowledgeable, dedicated Christian falling victim to these delusions.

The apostle Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit, wrote of such captivity, and gave us information on why we want to avoid such captivity and how to do so. The Scriptures say, "See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ. For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form, and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority; and in Him you were also circumcised with a circumcision not made with hands, in the removal of the body of flesh by the circumcision of Christ; having been buried with Him in baptism, in which you were raised up with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead." (Colossians 2:8-12).
The Weapons of Enemy
"See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ." (Colossians 2:8). The religious environment of the first century was similar in some ways to our own. Those forces which seem to be gaining ground today were in vogue then. The difference is that at that time, Christianity was the newcomer. Today we see instead an abandonment of the very ideals and principles of Christianity that helped make us a great nation and a return to the empty philosophies of men.

The Enemy uses the "traditions of men" as one of his weapons. These teachings are not new. That is why they are called "traditions." Many pagan beliefs are being resurrected again. The "New Age" is as old as sin. The creeds of men are being elevated above the word of God, and because of this many are being taken "captive."

The Enemy also uses the "elementary principles of the world." Some think that this refers to astrology and similar occultic practices. The ancient world was dominated by the idea that the stars and planets control our lives. The Bible calls it "empty deception."
The Godhood of Christ
"For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form," (Colossians 2:9). Remember who it is that the Enemy is opposing! It is Christ. He is God incarnate, or "Deity in bodily form" (Matthew 1:23; John 1:1-3; 20:28; Philippians 2:5-8). On the one side is the horoscope, Ouija board, tarot cards, spiritism, reincarnation, and all kinds of occultic mysticism. The Enemy has marshaled his forces well! But he is facing Jesus Christ. We need nothing of the philosophies of men. They offer nothing genuine. They are not "according to Christ." He is the answer to our needs.

The Enemy offered our first century counterparts the world. Vast, wonderful powers were supposedly placed in their hands by the occultic leaders of the first century. 

The Caesars ruled by the decree of the stars; Julius, Augustus, Tiberius and Vespian. Even Alexander the Great waged war by the stars. He did pretty good too... but died a very young man. His armies nor the stars could help him. And the Caesars? Their mighty empire was crumbling. It would soon disintegrate into dozens of splinters and then fragment further until nothing was left. So why are so many today so intent on returning to such a hopeless philosophy?
The Authority of Christ
"...and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority;" (Colossians 2:10). Jesus meets all of our needs. In Him there is nothing lacking. He is in control. The tomb could not keep Him. If He says. "I will come again.." then we can certainly believe Him.

Do you believe that you can be "complete" in Christ? This is what it means to "trust" in Jesus. It means that I am willing to submit to His authority because He is adequate to supply every good thing. It means that even when faced with heavy consequences, perhaps even physical death, that I am able to say, "Even in death, Christ Jesus is adequate because He has 'the keys of death and Hades." (Revelation 1:18).

If I am unwilling to follow Christ with such devotion, then He says I cannot be His disciple. To turn my back on Him, even to "gain the whole world" will cost me the loss of my soul. If I deny Him, even to save my life, I will only lose it eternally (Luke 9:23-26).
The Cutting Away of Sin in Christ
"...and in Him you were also circumcised with a circumcision not made with hands, in the removal of the body of flesh by the circumcision of Christ;" (Colossians 2:11). Circumcision was the sign of the covenant God had made with His people Israel. But under the New Covenant, there was a new kind of circumcision. The "circumcision of Christ" involves cutting away the love of sin from the heart (Romans 2:29).

This, too, is a needful part of our winning the victory in Christ Jesus. When there is a love for sin in the heart, it is time for surgery! This is also called "repentance" in the Bible. It is what Simon the Sorcerer was told to do (Acts 8:20-24). Even though a baptized believer, Simon was in danger of losing it all and his only recourse was to repent and seek God's forgiveness.
The Working of God
"...having been buried with Him in baptism, in which you were raised up with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead." (Colossians 2:12). Submitting to baptism is not a dependence upon ones own works or merit. Rather, it is the act by which we place our faith in God's working. By submitting to baptism, I am placing my trust in the very same power that "raised Him up from the dead." One who has not yet been baptized has not yet been "raised up with Him through faith in the working of God."

Just as God "canceled" Jesus' death when He was raised, God "cancels" our spiritual death caused by our transgressions when we are "raised up with Him" from baptism; "And when you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive together with Him, having forgiven us of all our transgressions." (Colossians 2:13).

The outcome of being "raised up with Him" is wonderfully described in the next chapter. There comes a freeness of mind, a confidence and a bright expectation of a glorious future. Don't let it be captivity in the hopelessness and empty deceit of the world when it can be the following instead:

"If then you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on the earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him." (Colossians 3:1-4).

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Do you know that the Holy Spirit is a real person? The third person in the Trinity?
We are taught to pray to Our Father in the name of the Son, Jesus but do you know who really does the task of answering our prayers?
The Holy Spirit was promised to everyone that believes...........The Holy Spirit came to live in your heart the moment you confessed with your mouth and believed in your heart.........................................................
The Holy Spirit desires to have a relationship with you...................When you came up out of the water the Holy Spirit flowed like Living Water into your heart........................
Jesus didn't begin His Ministry on earth until the Holy Spirit rested on Him and upon His Resurrection, Jesus released the Holy Spirit seven weeks (50 days) after His ascension into Heaven on the Day of Pentecost.
The Holy Spirit is the gateway to the Supernatural..............................................................................
We go from glory to Glory to GLory to GLOry to GLORy to GLORY to GOD!
My prayer is that the Blood of Jesus shed on the cross wash each every one of you and restore you to your rightful place as children of the King. My brothers and sisters, you are Royalty. You reign with Christ Jesus.
 I speak life over your lives and your families. Holy Spirit move in their lives.
By grace you have been filled till overflowing. My desire is for each of you to be high and lifted up.
Expect a miracle and you will receive one...........................

What you decree to another person will happen to you first..............
What that means  is that you will have what I say out of my mouth....

 I pray that your eyes will be open and you will see Victory all around you.
I pray that the Holy Spirit gives you peace in spirit. Now lift your hands and begin to call out: Holy Spirit!
Holy Spirit! Spirit of the Living God! I Need You in my life! Holy Spirit! I Hunger for You! Fill me until I 'm bubbling over. I desire to know you deeper, Holy Spirit! Dwell deep inside my heart, Holy Spirit............
Cry Out: Holy Spirit! Fill Me! I want more of you! Speak to my heart, Holy Spirit! Now begin to thank Him!

Today, I have spoken a new ministry into your lives, that of the Holy Spirit...........................
Now, you must establish a deeper relationship by spending time getting to know the Third Person of the Trinity.
You do this by saying: Good Morning, Holy Spirit and begin to welcome Him into your life and begin to release all the hurt and pain inside and receive the free gift of joy and happiness..................................