Saturday, February 2, 2013


Do you know that the Holy Spirit is a real person? The third person in the Trinity?
We are taught to pray to Our Father in the name of the Son, Jesus but do you know who really does the task of answering our prayers?
The Holy Spirit was promised to everyone that believes...........The Holy Spirit came to live in your heart the moment you confessed with your mouth and believed in your heart.........................................................
The Holy Spirit desires to have a relationship with you...................When you came up out of the water the Holy Spirit flowed like Living Water into your heart........................
Jesus didn't begin His Ministry on earth until the Holy Spirit rested on Him and upon His Resurrection, Jesus released the Holy Spirit seven weeks (50 days) after His ascension into Heaven on the Day of Pentecost.
The Holy Spirit is the gateway to the Supernatural..............................................................................
We go from glory to Glory to GLory to GLOry to GLORy to GLORY to GOD!
My prayer is that the Blood of Jesus shed on the cross wash each every one of you and restore you to your rightful place as children of the King. My brothers and sisters, you are Royalty. You reign with Christ Jesus.
 I speak life over your lives and your families. Holy Spirit move in their lives.
By grace you have been filled till overflowing. My desire is for each of you to be high and lifted up.
Expect a miracle and you will receive one...........................

What you decree to another person will happen to you first..............
What that means  is that you will have what I say out of my mouth....

 I pray that your eyes will be open and you will see Victory all around you.
I pray that the Holy Spirit gives you peace in spirit. Now lift your hands and begin to call out: Holy Spirit!
Holy Spirit! Spirit of the Living God! I Need You in my life! Holy Spirit! I Hunger for You! Fill me until I 'm bubbling over. I desire to know you deeper, Holy Spirit! Dwell deep inside my heart, Holy Spirit............
Cry Out: Holy Spirit! Fill Me! I want more of you! Speak to my heart, Holy Spirit! Now begin to thank Him!

Today, I have spoken a new ministry into your lives, that of the Holy Spirit...........................
Now, you must establish a deeper relationship by spending time getting to know the Third Person of the Trinity.
You do this by saying: Good Morning, Holy Spirit and begin to welcome Him into your life and begin to release all the hurt and pain inside and receive the free gift of joy and happiness..................................

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