Monday, March 3, 2014


Do you know someone who claims to be born again,
 but their lifestyle has not undergone any changes?
Do you wonder if that person is really saved?
Do they continue in a lifestyle of sin?
What changes occurred in your life when you accepted Christ?
Why don’t you take the time to write them down?

Now will everybody please turn to last week’s assignment?
 How many people completed reading Mark Chapter 17? (a few hands go up) 
Put your hands down! 
There is no Chapter 17 in the Book of Mark!  (Can I get a witness)

(Silence-Please)………….If you found yourself raising your hand, it’s time to get your hearts’ right with God! This question is too serious for you to make a mistake. I want you to take the time and let the Holy Spirit speak to your heart and tell you the truth.
Are you saved?........................If you life gives proof that you are saved, then make some noise and rejoice! But if all you have is religion; then maybe, just maybe you are not really saved, just because you been to the pool, maybe you just might have to reconsider your salvation! (Am I talking to someone here?)

Many people claim to know Jesus…………but the Bible says that Jesus said,  I never knew you even though you did mighty works in my name!  Are you righteous?
Then why do you party on Saturday night and come to Sunday morning meeting?
If you are really a child-of-God; Why do you play church? This is not make-believe!
Church attendance does not make you born-again?  You can’t claim to have the re-birth and habitually sin....I said, Stop INow!

1 John 3 v 9 says:  Whosoever is born of God simply cannot go on continually sinning for God’s seed remaineth in him; and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.
Allow the Holy Spirit to teach: In other words, God injected His own seed into you the day you gave your life to Christ! (now follow me; I need you to understand this, clearly) Just as a human father’s seed has DNA; God’s Seed/DNA was implanted inside of you. The very life and nature of God is now in your spirit! (what does this mean, Pastor?)  It means, that according to Genesis 1, God established a “Spiritual Law”…………Do you quack?............I said, “Do you quack?”…………..Do you produce fruit?................Do you live underwater?......No, no, no………
Why?......Because God made man in His image! God placed His spiritual seed inside of you. The day you got saved and born again, God’s nature was placed inside of you, into your spirit! God’s expectation was that His very life and nature would be reproduced inside of you……..................
(Are you getting this?)
Did you experience a change when you were born again?  Your desires suddenly didn't matter anymore? Things that never bothered you, start to bother you?
Suddenly, you want to be more like Jesus! God’s nature is in you!  You have a deep desire to be Holy; to be more like Jesus…………Take the test……………………….

Do you claim to be born-again and continue in sin?
Do you go to church and use that as proof that you are saved?
Do you know the lingo of the church?
Have you read John Chapter 3 ?

Sin is a lifestyle.  1 John 3 v 6 : he who abides in Him does not go on continually, habitually sinning as a way of life; he who continually goes on routinely sinning as a way of life has not seen Him, neither known Him.

If this is where you are living at right now; I encourage you to make your heart right with God. Do not make the mistake that so many church folk do; don’t let pride hold you from becoming really born-again.

1 comment:

  1. Praise God I am not a practioner of sin, by God's grace I have been saved and I am not going back. Though I falter and fall sometimes, I do not stay fallen, I reach out to God and take His hands as He brings me up again, Halleluyah!
    I refuse religion and embrace righteous living. Thanks a lot for this.
