Emptying and Filling: Let's read together 1 John chapter 1 verses 8 - 10 and chapter 2 verses 1 and 2.
The Holy Spirit is teaching, "Grow Up!"............In Christ, there are so many promises. These promises belong to every born-again believer. Dad has given you a way out of all sin through the shed blood of our brother, Jesus.
Jesus was the propitiation for our sins. I am being led to called this lesson, "Spiritual Dyslexia"
notice 1(John 1 v 9) which is our foundation scripture.
Psalm 91 v 1 is known as our "Spiritual Emergency", verse in the Old Testament.
What is S-I-N? The Holy Spirit defines sin as: Disobedience to God! Obedience must become your Christian Lifestyle. We do this by emptying and filling............................................
Patient: I have this problem? I think that I'm a dog?
Counselor: How long have you had this problem?
Patient: Ever since I was a puppy?
In counseling, we call this process, removal of cognizant dissidence.............in other words, get to the root of the problem. This is done by emptying. The Holy Spirit would like you to come to Dad and confess to your Father, in the name of Jesus for sin that is known and sin that is unknown. The Holy Spirit would like you to ask to be cleansed and purged and washed clean of any sin. The Holy Spirit would like you to open up your heart to any correction that needs to be administered by your Father. Empty yourself daily of the world and it's troubles, child-of-God! While you sleep, in "His" rest you will be made righteous and when you wake,
Prepare yourself to praise and worship and thank your Dad for all that He has done and is doing and will do in your life. Reverence your Father as God Alone, God Alive, God Almighty! I challenge you to spend an hour before bed and an hour when you rise and give it to Dad..............(Which is your reasonable service......Romans 12 v 1)
The Holy Spirit would like you to put in practice immediately: Romans 12 v 1-2; 2 Corinthians 10 v 3 -6...
For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, it is much more (certain), now that we are reconciled, that we shall be saved (daily delivered from sin's dominion) through His resurrection) life Romans 5 v 10 (AMP)
Filling: Expect to receive a fresh in-filling every day. It is very important to empty yourselves completely so that you can be infilled.............Luke 6 v 21.......John 4 v 13-14...................
The Spirit will well up inside you and spill out and onto everyone you meet it is a guarantee from our Father
The Spirit will well up inside you and spill out and onto everyone you meet it is a guarantee from our Father
"A candle loses nothing of its light by lighting another candle."
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