Monday, January 6, 2014


Amen ~ we agree; it is true; that is right; let it be so.
angel ~ God’s servant and *messenger in heaven.
apostle ~ one of the 12 men whom Jesus chose to be his special helpers.
baptize/baptism ~ to put a person into water to show that he wants to obey God.
Baptist ~ a person who *baptizes people (John the Baptist).
bless, blessing ~ to say or to do much good to a person; to call something holy; to ask God for good things to happen; to guard and to keep from evil things.
circumcise, circumcision ~ to remove the end part of skin from the male sex part; a sign of God’s special agreement with *Israel.
council ~ the group of *Jewish *priests and other leaders.
cross ~ a piece of wood that someone has fastened across another piece. People put Jesus on a cross to kill him.
crucifixion ~ to nail someone to a wooden cross in order to kill them.
crucify ~ to kill by *crucifixion.
demon ~ a devil who works for *Satan, the chief devil.
disciple ~ one who follows another and learns from him; a person who believes in Jesus; a person who follows the things that he teaches.
donkey ~ animal like a small horse.
empire, emperor ~ an empire is a group of nations under one ruler (called the emperor).
feast ~ special meal; *religious ceremony.
forgive ~ when someone stops being angry with another person who has done bad things.
Gentiles ~ people who are not *Jews.
grape ~ a small, sweet fruit that people make alcohol from.
holy ~ what God is like; different and better than all other things; all good with no bad in it; a thing that God has; separate from *sin, clean.
Holy Spirit ~ one person of the three persons who are God. He comes to help Christians to become more like God. We cannot see him. He comes to give people the power to do what God wants.
hypocrites ~ persons who pretend to be better than they are.
inn ~ a place that provides food and shelter for travelers.
Israel, Israelites ~ all the people from the family of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Jew ~ a person who was born from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their children.
Jewish ~ a word that describes a *Jew or anything to do with a *Jew.
kingdom ~ land that a king rules.
Law ~ the rules that God gave to Moses for the *Jews.
Lord ~ name for God in the Bible; name that we use for Jesus when we obey him.
messenger ~ person who gives a message.
Messiah/Christ ~ the *Jews’ word for the king whom God would send to rescue them.
miracle ~ an event that seems to be against the usual laws of nature.
Mount ~ small mountain.
New Testament ~ the last part of the Bible, which the writers wrote after Christ’s birth.
Old Testament ~ the first part of the Bible, which the writers wrote before Christ’s birth.
olive ~ a kind of tree that has fruit.
Passover ~ annual ceremony to remember when God rescued the *Jews from Egypt.
Pharisees ~ group of *Jews who were very strict about the law of Moses.
preach ~ to tell people about Jesus, and how to live for Jesus.
priest ~ a man that gave gifts and burned animals as a *sacrifice to God for the *Jews; a man that God chose to serve him.
prophecy ~ words that God gives to a person to tell other people.
prophet ~ one who tells God’s messages.
religious ~ people who belong to a religion.
resurrection ~ to come back to life after death.
Roman ~ person or thing that belongs to *Rome.
Rome ~ capital of a great *empire in *New Testament times.
Sabbath ~ day of rest when people should not work (Saturday for *Jews).
sacrifice ~ a gift to God to ask him to forgive sins; or to thank him for something.
Samaria ~ country on north border of Judah; its capital has the same name.
Samaritan ~ a person who comes from *Samaria.
Satan ~ chief evil spirit; the Devil.
Scripture(s) ~ Bible.
shepherd ~ one who looks after sheep.
sin/sinner ~ when people do things against God or other people.
Son of Man ~ Jesus called himself the Son of Man.
spice ~ powder that people make from certain plants to give flavor to food.
synagogue ~ a building where *Jews gather to pray and to study the *Old Testament.
tax-collector ~ man who received taxes for the government.
temple ~ special building in Jerusalem where *Jews *worshiped God.
tenant ~ person who occupies somebody’s property in return for rent.
tomb ~ cave in side of a hill for a grave.
Trinity ~ God who is three persons: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the *Holy Spirit.
unleavened ~ bread without the substance that makes it rise.
vineyard ~ a place in which to grow *grapes.
worship ~ show honor and respect to God and praise him.

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