Friday, January 31, 2014


"But we have this treasure in earthen vessels."  ( 2 Corinthians 4:7)

 Disappointment in ourselves. It's potentially 
 the most debilitating kind of disappointment because it can throw you
 into a downward spiral that's hard to stop or recover from.

      Peter had sworn undying love and fidelity to Jesus. "Lord, 
 everybody else may abandon you, but not me! I'm yours till death"
 (See  Mt 26:33-75). And he meant every word of it. But under the pressures
 surrounding the crucifixion he yields, and three times denies knowing
 Jesus. Later, remembering Jesus' words, "Before the rooster crows,
 you'll deny me three times," Peter, heartbroken by his own dismal
 failure, "went outside and wept bitterly" (Lk 22:62 NIV). Ever asked,
 "God, how can you possibly use someone as messed up as me?" Peter failed
 to meet his own expectations and went on a downer. But Jesus wasn't
 shocked. He was well aware of Peter's flaws when he called him into the
 ministry. He also knew that his blustering, outspoken disciple had a
 tender heart, so He extended grace to him rather than remove him from
office. When Christ gave post-resurrection orders to "tell His disciples
and Peter" (Mk 16:7 NIV) to meet Him in Galilee , He reaffirmed His
 choice of the failed disciple. The rest of Peter's story is New
Testament history.

     When (not if!) you confront failure:

 (1) Don't add insult to  injury by letting disappointment mire you
 in hopelessness and despair.
 (2) Humble yourself and repent. Confess your sin; don't excuse,
rationalize or blame circumstances and people. 
 (3) Receive God's grace  and forgiveness by faith, not by feelings.
 Don't let Satan convince you your case is beyond grace.
 (4) Get whatever help you need to get back on  track - sooner, not later.

 "Do not fear. Only believe, and she will be saved."--Luke 8:50

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