Saturday, November 10, 2012


 want to share a little story with you..................
                                                                     A man, lets call him David, inherited (10) Ten million USD. David's grandfather Obed had died and left David his youngest grandson his life's fortune. But there was one stipulation; David could not claim the entire inheritance until he was (65) sixty-five years old. 
                                                                    Now David had a wife, Abigail and a family. He was a home owner and had a mortgage. David had a car for himself and one for his wife. Children that were growing up fast and always seemed to be in need of something. David worked a modest job and earned a modest salary and like most people was struggling to make ends meet.
                                                                   One day as David sat doing his taxes, he realized that instead of being owed a sizeable tax refund, he owed a sizable tax debt. David called his wife Abigail and together they had to explain to the kids the result of what daddy had found and what it would mean to the family.
                                                                    The next day, David was at work and his boss noticed that he was not his usual self. Mr. Job called David into his office. David broke down and told Mr. Job what he had found while doing his taxes. Mr. Job suggested to David that he try his accountant, Mr. Jesus Christ. David looked into the eyes of Mr. Job and a meeting was arranged at David's house for that evening.
                                                                   Jesus Christ, arrived right on time and rang the door bell. David hesitated and his wife Abigail had to urge her husband David to answer the knock. David finally relented and went to the door and opened it up and let the accountant in. 
                                                                   Jesus Christ proceeded to go over all of David's paperwork and to David's dismay discovered the same thing that David did, he owed a sizable debt. "David", spoke Jesus, "Is there anything that you might have overlooked?" "No, Jesus!" "That's everything!" Then David said sarcastically, "everything except that (10) Ten Million dollar inheritance that I can't touch until I'm (65) sixty-five, a lot of good that will do me in prison." "What did you say, David?"
                                                                  Jesus suggested to David that it might be a good idea to take a look at those documents.
David shouted, Hallelujah and Jesus explained to David that while he couldn't touch his full inheritance until he was (65) sixty-five; David could draw off the annual dividend to a tune of 152,000 USD. "You mean", said David," that for the last six years I could have been drawing that money?" "Yes", said Jesus, the dividend always belonged to you." "It was part of your inheritance."  

David lives like most of us. He leans on his own understanding. David never sought to seek wise counsel until his back and the back of his family was up against the wall. David carried unforgiveness in his heart because he thought that his inheritance was a curse rather that a blessing. For six years David could have been drawing from his inheritance to a tune of approximately 152,000 USD or 912,000 USD and in the seventh year, because we serve a perfect God, David would have received, approximately 7,000,000 USD because he didn't touch the dividends and that money is not subject to the US tax laws. Hallelujah!

My challenge to you today, "Prime Time Christian", is to turn off your Tee Vee and get busy seeking Jesus.................
You need to be about the business of the "Holy One" - (Father-Holy Ghost & Son)....................................................
Let's forget about denominations, beliefs and agree on one thing.............I said............ONE THING

JESUS CHRIST CAME..................JESUS CHRIST BLED...................JESUS CHRIST DIED................JESUS CHRIST LIVES

HE took my place; He took your place....................

We have our salvation through Christ..............We have our deliverance through Christ............

We have Eternal-Everlasting Life through Christ...........Everything that you will ever need is in Christ

1 comment:

  1. So inspiring, only if we would forgive and trust in God, instead of leaning on our own misunderstandings, are we going to see His glory in our lives.
